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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mentors made our days happier.

What a beautiful day today has started out as.

Yesterday was sooo frustrating that it was felt if cyberspace was a marriage partner I would be divorced by now. That was until I realized that the the individual behavior and performance were being affected by frustrations over something that could have been simple. I removed myself from the computer for a few hours. Then I found a more in the know person who said he did not know much of how to fix the problem. It was not his field. However he explained that if I left the computer alone for a day it would more than likely correct any mistakes that I had made.

The computer has. I am able to write this for you to read. Wow and it feels great. Is this enough reward for now?

If I look at the Mars Model of Individual Behavior and Performance I have a living breathing example of the influence of 'non ability/ aptitudes' factors are reflected in peoples frustration, and operational behaviors. How past experiences and learned behaviors really do affect and influence the ability to generate the finalization of tasks.

Learning the behaviours required to cope with, while negotiating through the steps required in processing tasks, being able to finalise the job successfully, not only needs stepping stones but mentors. Mentors being someone/s who can patiently put into a young (in task learning) head old wisdom.

Then the day begings to look better, the concentration is not so tunnel visioned, the blood pressure lowers and you feel more friendly to be around. One hears the laughter, and shares the smiles of a stepping stone reached, a mile travelled and a congratulatory pat on the back.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision []

Friday, October 2, 2009

Turn a new page

Is this a new page of our life?

Yes it is. See watch my mind get me into strife.

The engines turned on, the mind is humming

Ha! no excuse to carry on saying I do it

Tomorrow is coming!!!

I may have a problem with spelling, you understand.

But given this computer has a f7 key

I'm in spelling heaven when this key is on hand!

So now the hard work is to begin

Just watch me meet things head on...and grin.

A smile from ear to ear

Watch out work until I know better

I think I'm equal to Scoretaries,

Now I have revalued my priorities

I have no fear.

The challenges and tribulations,

rewards and contributions

they start with ....'me'.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision []

Culinary arts are special.

Culinary arts are usually taught with tunnel vision. When caregivers pass on these arts they usually do so in unrelated ways to the learner. Having a Culinary Arts mentor is special. The mentor may take the learner shopping, then later 'encourage' the kitchen duties, rubbish removal and so forth, setting the table is another fun things that turns into a chore. Actually putting everything together is a wonderful feeling that wears the caregiver out.

So this page is designed to interlink to some of these care giving tit bits. Your experiences are welcome as well as your feed back.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision []

Try something new and see where it leads you.

This is a beginning and a new learning experience for all here.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision []